• Captain
  • Commuter
  • China - Shenzhen
  • This position has been filled

Shun Feng Airlines

SF Airlines is a Chinese cargo airline owned by SF Express Co. The company is headquartered in the No.1 Freight Depot of the International Shipping Center of Bao'an International Airport in Bao'an District, Shenzhen - For now only domestic flights, excellent pay low hours.

Commuters Welcome

  • Low flight hours
  • Great Pay
  • LOTS of Allowances
Job Details:

Minimum requirements are as follows:

  • 500 hours PIC time on type (for candidates who are current within 24 months)
  • Type rated Captains should have one year PIC experience
  • Total time 4000 hours
  • Aircraft type: B757/767.
    • For non-rated pilots, B747/B777/A320/A330 type experience will be accepted for transition training (Airbus Captains must have some Boeing experience)
    • For candidates who are not current or have no B737/757/767 experience, 800 hours of PIC time on approved aircraft types will be required
    • For candidates who are not current on the B737/757/767, last flight must be within the past 24 months.
  • CAAC LICENSE HOLDERS:  If you have a CAAC license with EMB/CRJ or other aircraft experience, you may be eligible for a transition program.
  • Valid ATP license, valid passport, Class A Medical
  • At least Category 1 ILS experience
  • Must be from a country with diplomatic ties to China
  • No incidents or accidents, no license limitations
  • ICAO English proficiency level 4
  • Age 54 maximum for rated Captains
  • Age 53 maximum for non-rated Captains

Domicile: Shenzhen, China

Contract Term: 5 years, renewable

Approximate NET compensation per month:

Not including the prorated amounts for the annual bonus and contract completion bonus, the basic guaranteed salary is approximately:

  • $19,295 per month (Residents)
  • $17,343 per month (Commuter)

• Base Salary (minimum guarantee): $13,848/mo.

• Residents: Approximate NET allowances and reimbursements: $5,447/mo.
• Commuters: Approximate NET allowances and reimbursements: $3,495/mo
• Annual Bonus (before tax): $8,130/yr
• Contract Completion Bonus (before tax): $40,705 paid at the end of the 5 year contract.

The contract is based on a 50 hour minimum guarantee. Fight hours above 50 hours are calculated using $322/hour overtime rate.

The Amounts below are GROSS (before tax) unless otherwise indicated. Amounts which are reimbursable will not incur tax. The appropriate taxes will be withheld by SF Express at the appropriate rate, which amounts to about 30% overall.

NOTE: At the current time, average flying per month is between 45-55 hours per month. There may be opportunity for more hours as they grow, but right now you can expect these numbers.

Allowances are detailed below. The totals are as follows:

1. For Residents: $5447/mo. in non-taxable allowances or reimbursements, and $1,356/mo. in taxable bonuses
2. For Commuters: $3495/mo. in non-taxable allowances or reimbursements, and $1,356/mo. In taxable bonuses.

You will select one of the following contract options:

Resident Package:
• Days off: 4 consecutive days/month (average 10-12 days off per mo)
• Annual leave: 25 days
• Standard Flight Allowance (up to 50 hours flight time): $258/hour
• Overtime Flight Allowance (over 50 hours flight time): $322/hour
• Housing allowance: $1,628/month (reimbursement)
• Residence allowance: $1,628/month, added to your base salary. OR Tuition Support for
dependents attending school in China up to $1,628/month (reimbursement).
• Relocation fee: up to 3,257USD for extra luggage (reimbursement)
• Annual ticket allowance: $11,400/year (reimbursement…Can be shared by the family of the
resident pilot)
• Insurance Allowance: For payment of medical, dental or loss of license insurance: $8,143/year,
reimbursable. Additional allowance of up to $814/year for one family member, $1,628 for two
family members.
• Per diem: $5.00/hour (After Tax) (based on duty time, not flight hours). This comes to around
$250 per month for a 50 hour schedule
• Seniority pay: increased by $195/mo. per year of service. Maximum 15 years of credit.
• Transportation allowance: $570/mo (AFTER tax)
• Annual bonus: up to $8,140/year (subject to the annual performance evaluation)
• Contract completion bonus: $40,705 (Paid at the completion of contract, with no incident or

Commuting Package:
• Days off: 10 consecutive days per month or 4 weeks on 2 weeks off
• Annual leave: no annual leave on commuting program
• Standard Flight Allowance (up to 50 hours flight time): $258/hour
• Overtime Flight Allowance (over 50 hours flight time): $322/hour
• Housing allowance: $1,303/month (reimbursement)
• Residence allowance: no allowance. However, up to $1,628 reimbursement/month with receipt,
if dependents are educated in China. This reimbursement shall be deemed to be a part of the
basic salary before tax.
• Relocation fee: up to $814 for extra luggage (reimbursement)
• Annual ticket allowance: $11,400/year (for pilot only) (reimbursement)
• Insurance Allowance: $8,143/year, reimbursable. (for pilot only)
• Per diem: $5.00/hour (After Tax) (based on duty time, not flight hours).
• Seniority pay: increased by $195/month per year of service maximum 15 years (Before Tax)
• Transportation allowance: $570/mo (AFTER tax)
• Annual bonus: up to $8,140/year (subject to the annual performance evaluation)
• Contract completion bonus: $40,705 (Paid at the completion of contract, with no incident or

For both Resident and Commuting Packages
• Monthly guaranteed flight hours payment: 50 hours
• Training pay:
o Ground training: about 2-3 months, $8,795/month
o Line training: about 1-2 months, $14,003/month
• Sick leave: up to 10 days/year with basic salary
• Medical treatment period: maximum of 6 month’s pay protection. The first month of the case
will be paid with full basic salary and seniority pay plus 50% guaranteed flight allowance, then
paid with full basic salary and seniority pay
• Instructor upgrade: basic salary increased by $1,140/month
• Management position: additional allowance and flying hours credit

Additional Information:

Salary paid offshore. Expat tax benefits may apply
Optional global medical/dental health plan (for pilot and family) through www.pilotifs.com will cover you and your family anywhere in the world.
Apartment rental assistance provided
Chinese speaking support staff provided day-to-day support with “living in China” issues
Expat status may dramatically reduce your national tax liability. Consult your CPA for tax advice.


