
We will be starting to recruit new Captains to China, starting end of February 2023                                 

Then why not give China a try?     

Right now China has the Worlds highest pay for Airline Captains, and excellent conditions & options.

The world’s oldest civilization is a mystery to many of us, but China has so much to offer if you’re open to experiencing new things. Many expats are drawn to life in China by the fascinating culture, religion, art, the way of life, and the excellent working condition the Chinese airlines offer their foreign pilots. But China’s now booming economy has seen the number of expats increase in recent years. China has good infrastructure and transportation system, low crime, safe to walk about, and excellent economic opportunities.

With immense cities like Beijing, Shanghai,  Guangzhou & Shenzhen, and hundreds of smaller towns and villages, life in China can vary widely. Larger cities offer the allure of major urban centers, access to shopping and Western-style amenities. Smaller locales provide a slightly cheaper lifestyle, more authentic experiences and an opportunity to immerse yourself in Chinese culture.

Shenzhen boasts ten Internationale Schools, one British, two French, two Korean and one Japanese, four Americans.

In Shenzhen alone there are more than 100,000 foreigners working where about three hundred of them are airline pilots, most of them have been working for the same airlines for more than five years.

Now China has the World’s fastest expanding airline industry, and therefore needs more pilots.

SATS ( Sky Aviation Training Services ) also have a pilot training facility in Shenzhen, where we train entry cadets for flight school board, click here

China will need some 7,500 new aircraft’s over the next fifteen years.

China is boasting a very high ICAO standard well above the World average  standard, and on level with the US, which pretty good considering how fast the airline industry has expanded in China in less than twenty years.
